

Every Wednesday morning at 4:15 AM our alarms go off.  We usually hit the snooze once then struggle out of bed.  Fifteen minutes later, coffee in hand, we head out the door to the YMCA. We get checked in, grab a pickleball set and head to the courts to meet our Pickleball Peeps. What started…


As I sit here and reflect back on the last 3 years since COVID-19 escaped China, I have some thoughts, observations, facts and opinions of the pandemic and the responses to it.  Let’s get one thing straight; nothing I say in this is meant to belittle or downplay the deaths and sicknesses that have occurred…

The Porch

The Porch

Our Happy Place Where it all began….with a thought, with a dream. We loved our patio, enjoying quiet evenings after a long day, entertaining friends and family, but we knew and wished for something more….a screened-in-porch. For years we sat out there thinking and wondering if it would be possible to turn our patio into…

Roanoke, VA

Roanoke, VA

This is Lynn inside one of the caves that were near the waterfalls that we hiked to.  Great little find about 1/2 mile outside of Roanoke. This was inside one the the Caverns that we toured.  Notice the reflection in the still water.

Random Drug Testing

Random Drug Testing

Has it ever been suggested that your random pulls are not random at all? In all reality you’ve probably noticed a pretty significant number of people that have been chosen multiple times as well as several that have not been chosen at all.  This is an expected outcome if your random draws are truly random. …

Dr. Robert Decker

Dr. Robert Decker

Better known as Pastor Rob to us and the other members and visitors at Triad Baptist Church. I have included some of my so called “Robisms” below. As COVID-19 was arriving into the United States, our political leaders decided it was best to shut down society as we had known it (including churches). Our church…

Nashville, TN

Nashville, TN

We went to Nashville in December of 2021 for our annual Christmas trip.  Each year we try to go somewhere special that we haven’t been before or back to one of our old favorites.  Nashville interested both of us since we are big fans of country music.  It didn’t disappoint.  We stayed downtown so we…