Dr. Robert Decker – Lead Pastor, Triad Baptist Church

Have you had a moment with Jesus OR do you just go to church?

A”Come to Jesus Moment” 3/10/24

God is going to use your rejection to give you direction.

Don’t start a fight you can’t finish 11/5/23

God’s grace is bigger than your disgrace.

Getting Back to Where You Started 2/18/24

If Jesus came back now, would you be ashamed of last week?

Get Ready, ‘Cause Here I Come! 10/22/23

Identify sins of others is a great way to ignore our own.

Plots & Plans 8/20/23

The difference between a believer and an unbeliever – A believer has endless hope, an unbeliever has a hopeless end.

We are incredibly good critics of the past yet blind to our own issues.

Plots & Plans 8/20/23

Faith won’t get you into anything that it won’t get you out of.

Don’t start a fight you can’t finish 11/5/23

God makes house calls to people in a faith crisis.

You Won’t Miss Out on Anything! 4/9/23

Failure is not a dead end.

Getting Back to Where You Started 2/18/24

If you can see the invisible, you can do the impossible.

God has a plan that supersedes all the plots that have been plotted against you.

Plots & Plans 8/20/23

If you change what the Bible says and means, you won’t have a problem with the culture, you’ll fit right in.

As long as you’re holding on to your problem, God is not going to touch it.

You Gotta Have Faith 9/12/21

You can’t have a Godly experience in a worldly environment


God never wants you to go through something without getting something out of it.

A faith that can not be tested can not be trusted.

If you didn’t go through something, your passion would not have come out.

Craving Crumbs 1/29/23

If you’re ever going to find Jesus, you will find him in your suffering.

Hush Your Mouth, Child! 3/19/23

Instead of fighting to get God on your side, fight to get on God’s side.

I Got Your Six 5/28/23

It’s easier to change what the Bible says and means than to continue to push back on the culture.

If you don’t have humility, you get no response from Jesus.

Craving Crumbs 1/29/23

Trust God’s sovereignty not your own.

A Bone To Pick 9/20/20

I am grumbling when I doubt.

When you’re in a scary place, that’s when God becomes real – not just a theology.

God always uses what you have left.

A Discovery Moment 5/15/22

If You stop feeling sorry for yourself…It changes everything.

A Discovery Moment 5/15/22

You can’t spend the rest of your life mad about something you can do nothing about.

Everyone can’t do everything…but everyone can do something.

The Heart of the Matter 4/30/23

Jesus will never come into your calamity unless invited in.

You are the vessel and whatever God takes you through, it’s for his purpose.

Unasked for advice is veiled criticism.

God sends you distractions to see what really matters.

Offend the world and please God or offend God and please the world – you can’t do both.

Is your identity formed more by Christ or more by culture?

God blesses people he breaks.

People will follow your example more than your advice.

Peace is not the absence of problems, it’s sensing God is with you.

God always saves the best for last.

If you get a vision of the promise you won’t be discouraged by the process.

The Heart of the Matter 4/30/23

You can’t change where you’ve been but you can certainly change where you’re going.

You don’t reach a potential of greatness until something is after you.

Without faith you will see yourself wrong.

It’s hard to see the big picture when you’re inside the frame.

Don’t Sugarcoat it 9/8/19

Is it possible that the Lord, not because he hates you, but because he loves you, will let you have what you think you need?

Don’t lose your future staring at your past.

Sometimes God takes you out of your element to accomplish his purpose.


God wouldn’t drive you into it if he wasn’t going to pull you out of it.

A Date with the Devil, 7/17/22

Holiness is like all the ways your parents overlooked your flaws and still cared for you.

It is naive to think that the planting of good exempts us from the presence of bad.

Weeds Don’t Like Weeds, 10/9/22

Success is finding and living the will of God for your life.

Attempt Big Things, 11/29/20

If you don’t have a sense of your calling, you’ll have a sense of confusion.

Failure is not a dead end.

Getting Back to Where You Started 2/18/24